road trippin'

Happy Friday! My oldest son, Kevin, is in the midst of the college application fog and he has twisted my arm to take him to visit Vermont in a couple of weeks.  I begrudgedly agreed since I hate that state so much and all of its organic farm stands, ski resorts, antique shopping and fireplaces.  It would certainly help if they could throw in a rolling hill here and there, some beautiful old homes, a barn, some cows or some Ben & Jerry's ice cream...kidding, I can't wait!

This weekend, Scott and I are sneaking away for a much needed overnight to my beloved hometown, Washington, D.C., for a homecoming reunion with my old high school excited to see them, have them meet my new hubby, and so so happy to spend some time ALONE with my honey. When I invited Scott to come along, he didn't even let me finish my sentence! Scott's boys live with us full-time and although we all love each other and luckily get along great as a blended family, from time to time, we loVe to get away and they loVe to see us go, so later boys...

ok, ok so the place we stay will more likely look like this...either way, who's complaining?...

Have a happy weekend...see ya next week, xocc...