new bloesem on the block!

I'm browsing the internet early this a.m. as usual with my coffee mug clutched in my left hand happily going about my business, I click on one of my fave go-to blogs, and POW a fresh new look from my huge MAC screen hits me squarely in the face... Irene Hoofs, editor and founder of bloesem living has struck gold yet again, actually platinum...her stylish new blog space is quintesentially Dutch (her homeland) with a look & feel that is clean, smart, fresh and modern. Her appeal, however, is of the gobal variety since she currently hails from Malaysia and manages to comb all corners of the world unearthing amazing design, interiors, art, pottery, products and anything else you can think of that will knock your socks off. She also brings us the lovely artisans and humanity behind it all...

her new masthead...

...her interior design aesthetic for grown-ups is also spot-on and impeccable, her taste simply divine...

...and if that's not enough, there's also her bloesem kids and as I've said before, she could have stepped into my buying shoes at Hey Little Diddle and curated my collections...i loVe everything she features...

Congrats Irene, go forth and inspire...visit her travel section or treat yourself to one of her weekly columns, trust me, just go over there, click here.

images from Bloesem Living