the power of shane

Happy New Year to all and welcome back to StonehouseLove! May all your 2011 dreams come plan is to take baby steps towards my goals again this year...a strategy that has worked just fine so onwards i go carving out new opportunities as i navigate through exciting is the unknown...

Style director, prop stylist, interior designer, craftsman, product developer, set designer & lifestyle magazine editor? Is it possible that one person can possess all this talent and produce beautiful work? Meet Shane Powers...

~all images via Shane's site~

...over the holidays, I caught up on my stack of product catalogues and magazines and i discovered Shane and his exclusive new indoor garden collection for West Elm, a catalogue i never paid much attention to...but in which i found myself dog-earing mutiple smart and affordable products for my clients (and for me)...and they surprisingly have a section promoting etsy artists...

and a special page with all the hot benjamin moore paint colors, making West Elm a great go-to, one-stop source for interiors...

...enough slacking...have tons of work to do...happy first monday in 2011...xocc