scott campbell

Why Scott Campbell today?  Early this morning, my 18 year-old-son (who is responsible for my few gray hairs; well, come to think of it, my 14 year-old-son shouldn't be completely let off the hook either, but that's another post, I mean book...i love you boys very much...just be patient with mommy who is still stuck in the pre-school, clinging-to-my-leg-i-want my-mommy-and-only-my-mommy days!) came into my room and announced he wants a second tattoo.  My negative reaction to my son getting tattoos always shocks me because I actually think they are cool and as a creative, the really good tattoo artists are truly amazing artists whose work i admire immensely...and that's why i'm talking about Brooklyn's Scott Campbell today...via the Selby...


LoVe these images...ok deep exhale...everything is going to be okay...i'm a live and let live sort so it's time to practice what i preach...eeek...Todd Selby 's talent always makes everything all better! Have a great day! xocc ♥