Urban Loft Window Treatments

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Browsing through Pinterest this morning, I saw this image...reminded me of simply walking through the streets in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Milan, or just about any city in Europe, where the kids are all styled out, they slay me, this one in Stockholm...G-d didn't give me a daughter at first so I wouldn't go broke, but now I'm getting a step-daughter when I'm supposedly older and wiser with tons more self-control (well, sort of)...everytime I say to Lily, "Guess What?," she answers, "You bought me some new clothes, duh?" A step-mommy's gotta do what a step-mommy's gotta do...

Have a great Wednesday, gloomy again, but my feature tile came in...so center city here I come...also trying to stay calm and focused on work yet my wedding is 2 short weeks away...what comes to mind? Yikes, but Keep Calm and Carry on!