i gotta have...

All things kids...since I've been scouring the internet and reconnecting with my coveted sources (from my Hey Little Diddle brick and mortar days 1994-2007) as I put together  my collection for my new big cartel store, Hey Little Diddle, it seems fitting that I focus on kidstuff this week...here are some of my faves, the likes of which inspire me to no end...i adore childrens' fashion and really all things kids... 1.  Chakra...

Designer and founder Bindu Kasinadhuni got her master's degree at Philadelphia University, where my sister used to teach and which is minutes from my house. I just love her company's philosophy, responsible manufacturing practices and the fact that everything is hand dyed and block printed using an ancient Indian printing technique. She's also providing work to under-privileged artisan women in a small coastal Indian village. She simply speaks my language...

2.  Handmade baby mocs by Susan of Freshly Picked...

photo via babyccino kids.

3.  Lots of inspiration...

baby bean...

neve inspired...

Atsuyo et Akiko...

Will Taylor...via Sweet Paul Magazine...

my new logos...

Logo design by Tabitha Emma.

Sweet right?  The launch of Hey Little Diddle is still a few weeks away, but stay tuned...Have a great day...xocc ♥